Create contacts in Hubspot
Use this integration

Create and manage contacts, companies, and deals in HubSpot from your Glide app

Looking for a powerful tool to help you manage your customer relationships? Look no further than the HubSpot integration for Glide. With this integration, you can easily manage your contacts, companies, and deals directly from within your app, streamlining your workflow and simplifying your sales process. Imagine being able to create and edit contacts, manage your deals pipeline, and retrieve customer information with just a few clicks, all while keeping track of your progress and staying organized. Say hello to a more streamlined and efficient customer relationship management experience with the HubSpot integration for Glide.

Read the documentation
  • Create contact
    Create a new contact in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Edit contact
    Edit a contact in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Archive contact
    Archive a contact in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Delete contact
    Delete a contact in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Create company
    Create a new company in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Edit company
    Edit a company in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Archive company
    Archive a company in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Delete company
    Delete a company in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Create deal
    Create a new deal in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Edit deal
    Edit a deal in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Archive deal
    Archive a deal in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Delete deal
    Delete a deal in Hubspot
    1 update
  • Get contact info
    Get a property for a contact. Look up a contact by their email address
    1 update
  • Get company info
    Get a property for a company. Look up a company by their domain
    1 update
  • Get deal info
    Get a property for a deal. Look up a deal by its deal ID
    1 update

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